Monday, December 28, 2009

"Kids at Heart"

Well, we finally got to celebrate Christmas with the Carr side of the family.  Which is always a little crazy to say the least.  We have a tradition since as far back as I can remember that on Christmas night we play board games and the adults indulge in some holiday beverages (aka. BEER).  Our family is straight out of a movie about wacky families...and I fully accept and have pride about the wacky part!  You see, everyone in our family is a kid at heart...especially with those holiday beverages.  Even our spouses fit in our "teen humor" and our "friendly competitions" because I'm sure we all measured them up to make sure they were almost as wacky and crazy and hilarious as we were! Anyways, if this tells you anything my mother...grandmother of 4, also known as "Zeezi" was up until 4 am on Christmas night playing Wii in a nice "friendly competition" with my brother.  Needless to say we had 7 adults fighting over the Wii last night in lieu of the board games we usually play.  Like I said, "kids at heart", "crazy, to say the least". Here is a photo of mom in a "friendly competition" sword fighting her 6 year old granddaughter....look at that concentration! Priceless.

With that in mind, don't judge me (or my husband for that matter) for the decision that was made this morning while we were bored.  We trucked on over to Best Buy, Kenwood in tow, and bought a Wii for ourselves.  Dillon said, and I quote, "I think this will be good for our marriage."  I then looked over at him and advised "Or, end in divorce."  We are VERY competitive.   But, that is one of the many qualities I love about my husband.  So, I'm off to beat his ass in some Wii Resort.  GAME ON.

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