Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One Year Later

Oh the triumphs and struggles of parenting a one year old!  We had Kenwood's birthday party a week and a half ago and boy was it a full house!  He got so many toys that I don't even know what to do with myself! Half of them are hidden so I can re-wrap them for Christmas! Is that just a horrible thing to do? I figure he's only one, he doesn't know the difference!  So thank you all for the gifts and toys, Santa has been VERY good to us this year! :)

Oh, and since we hit the one-year marker the doctor wants me to start weaning Kenwood off the bottle.  Ya right. That bottle is like a prescription sleeping pill for my kid.  Yes, I am the bad mother that puts him down to sleep and hands him the bottle in his crib.  And yes, I've heard it's bad for his teeth...but we brush them morning and night (pre-bottle I admit) and aren't they going to fall out anyway? Anyways, I tried to wean it off cold-turkey...that does NOT work.  He screamed, a  lot. So, I gave in and took him a bottle and TA-DA! my little sleeping beauty was so peaceful!  Oh, and did I mention that he's not a fan of Milk in a sippy cup?  Isn't that just terrific.  He's supposed to have 16-24oz of milk a day...I'm lucky if he drinks 10oz.....soooo needless to say this bottle weaning is NOT going well.  I'm sinking.

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