Tuesday, January 19, 2010

5babies=5 times the FUN!

Thursday a great friend of mine called me to invite Dillon, Kenwood, and I to their lake house for the weekend with some of our other friends...and Kenwood's friends.  We gladly accepted and were thoroughly excited. Then, of course, Mother's Day Out calls me that afternoon because my little angel was running a fever and "was just not himself".  I rushed to pick him up, called the doctor and went straight to the doctor's office.  Kenwood had his 1st ear infection :( It was seriously the saddest thing I have EVER seen...he felt worse than he felt with the FLU last November...it was pretty obvious that we probably weren't going to the lake-but the doctor told me the medicine should make him feel better within 24 hours, especially since it was his first one and that he wasn't contagious so if he felt good it'd be good for him to have the interaction with all the other kiddos.  Well, Friday he was a completely different person than Thursday.  He felt better, he was laughing and running around the house and so we decided to try to go to the lake.  We figured, if he started to feel crummy again, we'd just head back home.

Well, we had SO much fun.  First of all, the house was basically a dream home with plenty of space for all of us and more! All the babies played and played and played until they just couldn't play anymore out of exhaustion. Oh, and Kenwood played so hard that he got a BIG bump smack dab in the middle of his forehead...it was the WORST!

The parents played, and relaxed, and chit-chatted, and ATE until we could barely move we were so exhausted. Saturday night was probably the most fun.  First, we had a dance party in the living room with all the babies, the babies were the highlight of the dance party.  Later that night, we played the Michael's brilliant game of "celebrity".  It's too hard to explain in writing, but it was HILARIOUS and quite competitive!  When you play wives versus husbands, there will always be some healthy competition and more often than not, the husbands will find a way the cheat :) Or, at least we like to think they cheated since they completely dominated the game. Then, the boys of course had to gamble a little so they got a poker game out of their system.

Weekends like that make me look forward to Kenwood growing up with all these kiddos and our many more family "vacay's"!

All 5 babies-they are best friends

Here are some more pics of our weekend:
Hanging out in the play room!

Miss Emma Sue on the train!  The train was a      BIG hit!
The hubs playing cards Saturday afternoonGirls relaxing in the sitting room

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