Friday, February 19, 2010

You spend the first 2 years teaching your kids to walk and talk....and the next 20 teaching them to sit down and shut up!

I know this is supposed to be a "family" and "parenting" blog, but I really haven't blogged much about that little angel of ours! So here's an update!

As of today, Kenwood is now 14 1/2 months old.  Running...not walking anywhere and everywhere.  He is starting to get into the stage where he wants to play WITH somebody at all times and entertaining himself is no longer a long-term option.  Kenwood's nap schedule is craziness as of lately, it really just depends on the day.  Sometimes, he has a short morning nap from about 10:30-12:00 and then from 3-4:30 and sometimes he just takes one long nap from about 11:30 to 3:00 (I like those days best!)  Regardless of his naptime, he goes "nighty night" at 6:30p every. single. night.  and wakes up anywhere from's glorious!!

The little rascal has been REALLY into books the past few weeks! I have no idea where this came from.  I used to try to read to him but I couldn't get him to sit still for 5 we read about 10 books, 10 times over and over again.  Dillon and I are going to buy him a big boy reading chair this weekend (hopefully) and a bookshelf  or book bin to keep his books in, so he can sit and read his books like a big boy (not really read, but look at the pages).  His "Mimi and Donald" got him a book for Valentine's Day that has their voices recorded reading the book to's excellent because that one he can listen too on his own! YAY! Don't get me wrong, I love love love reading to my little angel, I just get so sick of the same stories over and over again....I guess it's just a TASTE of what is to come!

This is his favorite book right was my favorite when I was little:

Kenwood has also entered the stage where he is starting to throw a fit. NOT. FUN.  It is SO hard to just ignore him because the whining is super annoying, so in my midst of horrible parenting I usually give him what he wants.  But, we're working on that.  I'm trying to figure out some sort of discipline for his age that he will understand.  If I spank his hand, he laughs and thinks its a game....if I raise my voice, he does it more because whatever it was that he did got a reaction out of me. Timeout doesn't really work because he forgets what it is that he did. Thankfully, we've finally got all the cabinets "baby-proofed" so there hasn't had to be too many "NO's" or discipline for that matter in the last few weeks, but I am sure there are more to come!

For instance....he dumped a WHOLE bag of Tostitos on the floor of my kitchen...but look at that face!
And our laptop is broken now, because he is VERY intrigued by electronics (see the remote there too?)

Another stage that Kenwood has discovered is music. He LOVES music.  If there is a song on a commercial he will drop everything and start dancing...he has the rythm of his father, I'm sad to say. But it is dang cute. I love babies dancing!

This was a dancing reindeer santa at his grandparents house that he danced with for a good 30 minutes.

He also LOVES to play hide and seek.  I hide around the corner, or behind the couch and he comes to find me...then I pop out and yell "BOO!" and he jumps, scared stiff, and then starts laughing so hard he can't stop and turns in a dead run the opposite direction until I hide from him again.  It is pretty much the most adorable thing you've ever seen --if you don't have your own kids :) 

So, there's an update! I love that munchkin very very much! He is the light of our lives.

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