Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do a deer, a female deer...Ra a drop of golden sun...Mi a name I call myself...

For those of you who don't know me or you may know me but don't know this.  I LOVE, and I'm talking love love love, musicals.  Any musical, live on Broadway, live at the OKC Lyric theatre,  animated, or just regular movie.  I even love musicals at the children's theatre when the poor things are just learning how to act and sing or school plays! Don't get me wrong, I love to WATCH them--I never will participate in them.  Simply because, I'm tone deaf and can't sing worth a lick.  (Just ask the people in the pew in front of me at church when I'm belting out the hymns!)

Well, I knew when I had Kenwood--a BOY--that I was pretty much SOL with having a boy love musicals--quite honestly, I don't really think I want him to LOVE them...but maybe one day I'll have a little girl to share it with.  But, I do however have a mother and sister that share my love for musicals--we even have season tickets to Lyric. And, I have 4 neices that will inevitably join me when I want to see something musical Live if mom or sister can't.

Here are some of my top 5 favorite musicals:

I honestly could have thrown High School Musical in there too...I know, you all think I'm lame, but I really do LOVE that musical too :)  I think I will always be a tween at heart. haha 

Speaking of some of my favorites, I just recently went to see Wizard of Oz live and it was excellent!  Everytime I see these movies or performances, I forget how much I love them!  I'll admit, it is hard to see Wizard of Oz without thinking of TriDelt rush...which is another thing I will always love--but that's a story for another time! 

Anyway, today Kenwood was sitting on my lap wanting to play on the computer.  So, I went to youtube and started some clips of these movies and others with their songs.  He LOVED it.  I mean, he started crying everytime a song ended so I would start another one!  It was hilarious.  I'm just excited because I'm headed out to get him some new movies this weekend! Only, I will likely get him more of the "boy" musicals like Lion King and Aladdin--it will make his dad happier :)

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