Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The best things in life are FREE

Well, our bathroom is officially coming to a close...slowly but surely.  We got our new tankless hot water heater installed yesterday and the last steps are just around the corner!  Granite installed and mirrors, towel racks, etc. Dillon has the camera in his truck or I'd go ahead and post the pictures that I know you're dying to see.

On another note, Dillon has started reading a new Dave Ramsey book to help us save our money and invest wisely.  Apparently, this remodeling addiction is remodeling our bank account!!  So, I've been cooking more and Dillon is taking his lunch to work more as well.  Got to pinch those pennies!! For some reason, every time we start concentrating on SAVING money---I start thinking more and more about all the things I'd love to SPEND it on!  So here is a list of my hopes and dreams recently that Dave Ramsey (and Dillon) have shot down....

Plantation shutters in my living room--saves me the headache of curtains.

New patio furniture--I really want an outdoor dining table for our back porch so we can eat dinner, watch the sunset and lounge while Kenwood runs around the backyard.

Playground set--I want a playground that Wood can play on while I do the lounging.

A Pooper Scooper service--I was "gardening" today in our back yard and kept having to steer Kenwood away from feces...disgusting.  Though I could have very easily took the shovel and scooped away, I would much rather pay someone to do it  :)

A new back fence--we have this brick fence and brick lined planters in our backyard that are falling apart--almost literally.  I want a new fence and those planters gone so I can have new sod and a pretty yard. dream dream dreeeaamm

Basically, I just want a whole new backyard.

While we're on the topic of what I want but don't need--I'll take a new car, a baby, some botox and a tummy tuck :)  oooohhhh the things that money can buy!

But money cannot however buy happiness and I am beyond blessed with all thing things that money CANNOT buy...I'm also blessed with quite a bit of things that it can. God is GOOD! Oh ya...and we've been tithing too which I know will turn around ten-fold but goodness gracious that's alot of dough! :)  My very brilliant father-in-law's response to his wife when she said "we can't afford to tithe" was "No, we can't afford NOT to tithe."

1Timothy 6:17  Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God.

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