Monday, August 30, 2010

New vs. Old

I am having a difficult time deciding whether or not to keep Kenwood in his furniture and get the baby a new crib set or to have the baby use Kenwoods and get him some big boy furniture.  At first, we decided we would FOR SURE have the baby use Kenwood's furniture...but times, they are a changin'.  First of all, Kenwood has some REALLY nice furniture and it was a great buy for us because it's a 3-in-1 crib (crib-toddler-full) and he has a beautiful dresser/hutch that matches.  It's actually a beautifully masculine little set we got him! So, after looking at the prices of bedroom furniture vs. the prices of cribs & dresser sets I'm leaning toward just getting Olivia a decent (not too expensive but not cheap) white crib and a plain white dresser.  While money is the main issue behind this decision, here are the other motivating factors :)

The name of this bedding is actually's meant to be!!! While this is a crazy expensive set, I'm hoping I can find some pink/white striped taffeta or silk and duplicate this darling bedding...I'm OBSESSED! Plus, I think it looks much better with white than a dark brown crib and furniture :)

Here is the crib I'm thinking about.  It's plain which I like, and it converts to a toddler and a full bed as well if we were to need it. It also has a matching dresser that I plan to add some pink crystal knobs to kind of like the inspirational photo below:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Big and Busy Weekend

Not only are we having an Open House this Sunday, but we are having a Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday!  So I am aimlessly running around my house the next few days collecting things to sell in the Garage Sale while all at the same time, de-cluttering my house!  After living somewhere for 2 1/2 years, you don't really realize how much "stuff" accumulates.  I am what I like to call, a chronic purger, which is the exact opposite of a hoarder. I keep a few things that have sentimental meaning or things I actually NEED and I toss everything else. My motto is, "If I haven't used it in 6months-year I won't use it"--so trash, or in this case SELL it is.

On Sunday morning, we'll load up the truck with whats left of the Garage Sale, and take it all to donate--this will make for a clean garage on Open House day too :)

I keep trying to tell myself I'm not entirely insane for having both a garage sale and an open house all in one weekend.  The overall goal is to clear out the clutter to SELL our house which will make less STUFF to move into the new house in the long run.  I am so excited to start our new journey as a complete family in the near future, and a clean (and hopefully new) house makes for a clean mind and new journey!

So come by the Garage Sale and the Open House this weekend! YAY!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Girl Crazy

Don't get me wrong, I love my little boy more than life itself...but oh my goodness it's SO FUN shopping for a little girl!  Little boys are super easy, they wear tshirts, jeans, and shorts...and an occasional polo shirt here and there.  But with little girls, the clothing options are almost endless!! I haven't bought anything yet, but trust me -- I plan to!  Here are just a few of my MUST-HAVES from my favorite online stores on the planet: the wonderful

I have no doubt in my mind that we will have a little bald baby just like Kenwood (who is still mostly bald by the way at 20months) so, I plan on having plenty of headbands available for me to stick obscenely large bows and flowers on.  Yes, my sweet Olivia will likely get called a "Bow-Head" until she's at least in Middle School, because Mommy LOVES bows :)  This is one of my favorites I've seen, I love the skinny elastic headband versus the chunky knitted ones.  This is a must-have.

Leg warmers, yes please!  Since Olivia will be here in the wee-hours of the winter months I plan on lots of long-sleeved onesies paired with these darling leg warmers for quick and easy mid-night and mid-morning diaper changes- not to mention their just plain adorable. 
Some Etsy stores even have cute ones for boys....but I'm pretty sure Dillon would nix that purchase :)

I never had shoes on Kenwood until he walked, but these are pretty cute options versus plain old socks to keep those little tootsies warm on our outings to lunch or the mall or grocery store.

Bloomers are a must with little girls...this one might be a little "poofy" for under a dress or skirt, but it sure looks darn cute to run around the house in the crawling months that will soon approach us when the weather is nice enough to wear this little frock around the house and paired with some leg warmers to protect those little legs from carpet burn when she learns to crawl :)

The Name Game & Announcement

When we found out we were pregnant with Kenwood, we knew without a doubt that our BOY name would be Dillon Kenwood Orr II.  We weren't quite sure what we were going to name the baby if we had a girl! Well, this time around we were certain that if it was a girl her name would be Olivia Kate for a few different reasons.  First things first, we loved the idea of an "O" name to go with our last name and we didn't have many other choices.  Plus, we were both in love with the name Olivia from the get-go.  Kate comes from a few things:  All of our middle initials start with a "K".  My middle name (as well as my mother's) is Kathleen--which Kate is short for.  Also, my grandmother's name was Kathryn-again, Kate is short for that as well.  We had originally wanted the middle name- boy or girl- to be James after my father.  But after some deliberation, we decided it just wasn't fair for a girl to have James as a middle name.  So, while I'm sad that we didn't get to honor my Father's name--I am certain he loves Kate even more.

When we had Kenwood we had a big "Gender Reveal Party" with our family and cut the cake to announce if we were having a boy or a girl.  While we had all intentions to do some other sort of fun announcement this year, we decided to hold off on the party festivities.  Instead, we sent the card above via email and text to our families (so there is no debate on who we called first or last or whatever).  Some of you may think it's impersonal to do that---but it was so fun to design and surprise everyone on their morning emails.  It was even more fun to get the gasping phone calls at random after they saw the announcement!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!

As I'm sure the majority of you already know, we found out Tuesday afternoon that our little angel is a GIRL!! Holy Moly! We are so beyond excited and nervous at the same time :). We have become pros at handling a very active little boy and shopping for tshirts, jeans, and mesh shorts. So, adding dresses and skirts and dolls to that list might prove to be a challenge! I am so excited to start buying girly things and to have a little girl who will enjoy going to musicals and plays with me!

With that said, I know there will be a major change in our household and there isn't alot of preperation you can do! Instead of one little baby watching cartoons in our bed on Saturday mornings, we will have 2!! Instead of one high chair request at the restaurant, we'll have 2!! So much to prepare for yet so anxious for our beyond blessed family!! Stay tuned :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thankful for minimal BLAH

While my morning sickness is still coming at random these days, I'm VERY thankful that it's not 24/7 anymore!  I'm also very sure that my little rascal is thankful that we don't have to move his toy boxes into mommy and daddy's room anymore so mommy can lay down (which is the ONLY way I can get through the day without getting sick over my entire house).  We are also very thankful that this new wave of calmer morning sickness is coming right around the time our Play Group is starting to meet back up.

I honestly don't know how I would survive without the truly wonderful God-fearing women in our little Play Group. We have all become so close and I consider them some of my very best friends these days.  We all have kiddos around the same age which is SO FUN for us and for them!  AND, to make things even better alot of us are about to (or already have) welcome our second little bundles of joy who will all be around the same age also!  God has truly blessed us by putting this little group in our lives and we are so excited about what the future holds with all these wonderful kiddos and mommas!  Here are some pics of some of our "dates" over the past year:

Unfortunately, the morning sickness routine took a pretty hard toll on my little man and he is now addicted to television...or "shows".  He is constantly saying "Show, Show?" His favorites right now are Yo Gabba Gabba and The Fresh Beat Band.

I am going to try to start cutting back on our "Show" time for awhile.  Maybe, when baby #2 gets here we can have "Show" time while Mommy nurses...we'll see how well that pans out! HA!


So, my last blog was about how excited I was getting ready for Kenwood's new room! Well, in the last week and a half since I finally updated my blog....we've taken that little idea and gone literal.  Last Wednesday we went to look at a house, this is something we often do when my obsession of Real Estate escalates on one particular house that I think is a "steal".  So, of course like we always do-- we fell in love with it! HA Go figure! Anyways, we decided on Friday to go ahead and list our house with a good friend (and neighbor) of ours.  So "VOILA" our house is officially on the market! Now, the kicker is IF our house sells, WHERE will we move? We are the type that don't want to just move to if we can't find a house we love better than ours at the point when we sell it--we may just not move.  Yes, we are crazy and indecisive.  But I'm anxious to see the traffic we get on this house and even more anxious to see THE offer that will hopefully-eventually come!

Bring it on.