Not only are we having an Open House this Sunday, but we are having a Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday! So I am aimlessly running around my house the next few days collecting things to sell in the Garage Sale while all at the same time, de-cluttering my house! After living somewhere for 2 1/2 years, you don't really realize how much "stuff" accumulates. I am what I like to call, a chronic purger, which is the exact opposite of a hoarder. I keep a few things that have sentimental meaning or things I actually NEED and I toss everything else. My motto is, "If I haven't used it in 6months-year I won't use it"--so trash, or in this case SELL it is.
On Sunday morning, we'll load up the truck with whats left of the Garage Sale, and take it all to donate--this will make for a clean garage on Open House day too :)
I keep trying to tell myself I'm not entirely insane for having both a garage sale and an open house all in one weekend. The overall goal is to clear out the clutter to SELL our house which will make less STUFF to move into the new house in the long run. I am so excited to start our new journey as a complete family in the near future, and a clean (and hopefully new) house makes for a clean mind and new journey!
So come by the Garage Sale and the Open House this weekend! YAY!
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