Friday, September 17, 2010

Food for Thought

I started a new MOMs Bible Study at Crossings Church on Monday.  I'm really pretty excited about it! It's called "The Frazzled Female". So, basically I have high hopes that God grabbed my attention with this little title and my life will be enriched in the next few weeks.  I willingly admit, Bible Study can be a chore- it shouldn't be and I wish I could honestly say that I look forward to doing the "homework" but it's something I usually drag out.  It's definitely part of my faith that I need to work on, because I do always feel fulfilled after finishing a lesson-I just don't always feel like I have the time. 

Well, God has a sense of humor if I do say so myself.  I finally started my weekly lessons today (4 days later) and low and behold He is teaching about time and about being "too busy" for Him. WHOA.  It hit me like a ton of bricks! God? I know for sure you're speaking DIRECTLY to me now! 

If you get a chance read Luke 10: 38-42.  It's about two sisters who let Jesus into their home.  One sister rushes around the house, desperately getting things ready and preparing for her "guest" and the other sister stops everything and just sits at the feet of Jesus.  The 1st sister doesn't realize that in her desire to serve, she is actually neglecting her guest.  WOW.  It's so true.  Sometimes, I'm so busy doing things FOR Jesus that I forget to actually spend anytime WITH Him. 

God Bless.

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