Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sweet Olivia Kate

We went to the doctor today for a check-up.  This time I didn't get any orders to have my blood drawn--praise the Lord!  Everything checked out perfect, a little heartbeat at 145bpm that was a little hard to catch on the heartbeat monitor since she was squirming and kicking so much there was a lot of big "thumps" and little "thumps" to try to distinguish from.

I am 19 weeks and 2 days today, and I have gained a total of NINE (9) pounds.  I'm actually quite proud of myself! I found my weight tracker from my pregnancy with Kenwood...I don't have anything recorded for 19 weeks, but I have a 24 weeks @ 18lb gain....which tripled by the time he was born, uh oh.  So, as long as I don't gain 11lbs in a month, hopefully I'll be better on track with my weight this go 'round!

19weeks 2days (it amazes me how much this belly grew in 2 weeks!)

We also had an ultrasound today!  We FOR SURE 99.999999% (no ultrasound is 100%) that we are having a sweet little girl!!!  Now, it is time to buy some fun stuff!!! Yipppeeeee  I have been waiting since we actually found out because we found out pretty early in this pregnancy and I wanted to be POSITIVE...even though Mother's Intuition is usually right on.

Olivia Kate

We can't wait to meet her in 2011!!! YAY!

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